Articles on: Rooms

Getting started with the meeting room

Do you want to know how to hold a webinar or team meeting?

In this presenter user guide, we will try to explain the best and easiest way to hold your online events.

Interactive elements of your speech are vital event tools. Due to them, you, as the presenter, can transfer, perceive and discuss information with the event attendees. In addition, attendees can participate in discussions at the events using their microphones, webcams, or text chat.

Making your presentation more engaging, understandable, and dynamic is easier with the help of demonstrating slides and videos. Due to these, events draw more interest, and their effectiveness increases.

On the other hand, the moderation process also plays an essential role in a successful event.

Therefore, this user guide will tell you about these and other vital possibilities for hosting an online event on the platform MyOwnConference, which in it turn, will help you and your event presenters hold their events at a high level.

The content of the article

Getting started
Main menu
Room settings
Chat setting
Webcam & Microphone
Get help
Language selector
Quit the event

Getting started

In other articles for account owners, we already described how to create a public event in the instant room or schedule an upcoming event from the calendar.

Therefore in this user guide for the event presenters, we will focus on the vital aspects of successfully holding the event.

So, as the presenter, you have already got your invitation login link from the account owner; let's start then...

Click on the button from the invitation email in case you have an email with your presenter link in your inbox.

And we will open an event room in a new browser tab. As the first step, we will ask you to do the system test, where we check your connection speed, necessary opened ports, and protocols. Then we will allow you to choose the proper webcam and microphone and check if you see and hear yourself.

If everything is good, or you are an advanced user, you can click on the switcher under the system test, and we will never ask you for a system test when you sign in to the meeting room in the future.

After that, you will be redirected to the meeting room itself.

Let's investigate all the vital tools to hold your webinar successfully...

Main menu

It would be best never to forget that some tools you will need when hosting your events or configuring your equipment are on the main menu.

The software will open the main menu for you when you click on the icon.

So, let's look over the main tools you will find there...

Meeting room settings

1. Show or hide the attendees' list

The attendees' list is hidden by default for all presenters and attendees. However, you can show it when you want. In this case, we will save a new state and restore it next visit to the event meeting room. So, click the switcher to show or hide the attendees' list.

The attendees' list will look like this in the image below.

2. Pause your event and take a break for a cup of tea or coffee ☕ïļ

When you click on this menu item, we will ask you a few questions we need to know before you pause the event, such as:

Would you like to pause the event for all, including the presenters or attendees only?

How long do you plan to pause your event?

And the optional message to the attendees in case you want to clarify the event break details.

3. Buy additional seats to increase capacity

You can also buy additional seats if your event has more attendees than your current plan can cover. Even our free plan has this great feature. This great option lets you immediately purchase an extra 100 seats for your event. After successful payment, the webinar room capacity will be increased in a few seconds. These additional seats will be available to your attendees for the next 5 hours from when you purchased them. After 5 hours, the number of event seats will revert to the size of your original plan.

After clicking the "Pay now" button, your browser will open a new tab with a payment gateway where you can use your payment card or another preferred payment method. The window will be closed after successful payment, and we will increase the event capacity.

4. Virtual attendees ðŸĪ–ðŸĪ–ðŸĪ–

Sometimes when you get fewer attendees than expected, but no matter what, you need to save the brand face, you will be able to imitate the more significant amount of attendees than it is in reality. Sometimes when you get fewer attendees than expected, but no matter what, you need to save the brand face, you will be able to imitate the more significant amount of attendees than it is in reality. In these cases, the virtual attendees can help you a lot.

After clicking on this menu item, we will open the window where you can configure and launch your virtual attendees.

We will not explain its work here in this article, but you can read our dedicated article, where we describe this feature better.

Chat setting

👉 First, you can configure font size in your text chat area with these settings. This setting works for your browser only and will not affect other attendees' chats.

But the following settings will affect the whole event room, including all attendees and excluding event presenters.

👉 This option allows or blocks the ability to chat for all the event attendees, excluding you, moderators, and presenters.

👉 The next option will enable pre-moderation mode for the text chat on the event.

When you enable this feature, all event attendees can write and send messages to the text chat as usual. But nobody except you, moderators, and presenters will not see these messages. And only you or your moderators will decide whether to show these messages to other attendees.

We will not explain in detail how it works here in this article, but you can read our dedicated article, where we describe this feature better.

👉 The next option allows you to hide the links the event attendee can send each other. Then, when the switch is turned on, the event attendees can send the links to the chat, but nobody sees them except event moderators or presenters. And they will decide to publish the link to the conversation so that everybody can see or ban the spammer otherwise.

👉 And last option in this section allows you to clear the text chat area for all attendees, moderators, and presenters, including you.

Remember that this option does not clear the chat history available from the control panel after finishing and archiving an event.

Webcam & Microphone

Let's talk about the top priority settings you need to configure before a successful event...

👉 First, you must configure the proper webcam device, resolution, and proportion.

When you switch between devices, you will see yourself in the preview area, like in the picture below.

If you do not want to hold your event with a webcam or look like me on a webcam ðŸĪŠ, then you can activate your avatar by triggering this switch.

After it, we will disconnect the browser from your webcam and activate your avatar. After it, we will disconnect the browser from your webcam and activate your avatar. After that, you can upload any avatars you want, resize and crop as you want before, or even delete them forever and use the default one.

👉 Second, you must configure the appropriate microphone device

And volume

This is the most crucial step you must take before starting the event. Because the wrong microphone volume level will affect your voice during an event, your voice can be unclear, very loud, or calm. To choose the most appropriate volume level for your microphone, look at the indicator below. It must be green when you say something to your microphone.

And, of course, you must configure the appropriate volume level for your speakers or headset to hear the other presenters or invited attendees better.

👉 Third, do not trigger this switcher before you read our next article!

Use it only when WebRTC protocol does not work correctly in your browser, and you cannot speak during an event.


In this section, you can check your hardware and system, get help, and connect to our support team online.

Please review this article for more details about our support team.

Language selector

If you want to change the meeting room localization, look over this menu item. Our meeting room is available in a few other languages.

Remember, please, this setting will only affect the event in your browser and will never change the localization for attendees or other presenters.

Quit the event

This menu item will disconnect you from the event and close the session.

You will see something like the picture below, and you can return to the event by clicking on the inviting link from the invitation email or your messenger, depending on how the account owner invited you to the event.

In summary

We reviewed all the necessary menu items and settings to hold your event successfully. However, if you still have questions or need help solving some issues, please do not hesitate to contact us.

This article discusses how to get in touch with our online support: MyOwnConference support team

Additional information

If you haven't found the answer to your query in this guide, explore other educational materials and video lessons available. Reach out to our online support through the website or your control panel for further assistance.

Happy webinars and meetings! 👋

Updated on: 17/05/2024

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